headshot of andytuba (they or he)


Add more options for the placeholders

Almost there! Now that I've identified phrases I might want to change, like "how-to" and "thing", I can add in more options for synonyms.

"origin": "#FrontCover# #Page1# #Page2# ... #BackCover#",
"FrontCover": "Cover page \n---\n\n #How-To# Zine \n\n A _WavelengthConf_ Progzine Template",
"Page1": "Page 1 \n---\n\n #How-to# \n\n do a #thing# \n\n SO THAT YOU CAN \n\n outcome of doing the #thing#.",
"Page2": "Page 2 \n---\n\n Describe the #problem# this how-to solves \n\n What's the #PAIN#???",

"How-To": ["How-To", "Guide", "Guidebook"],
"thing": ["thing", "task", "objective", "assignment"],
"problem": ["problem", "struggle", "issue", "sticky point"],
"PAIN": ["PAIN", "#problem#"]